A World of Differences Comenius Multilateral Project 2008-10



You can find the Hungarian logos here



In September 2009 a group of five from Kossuth Lajos Secondary Grammar school could visit our English partner school. Here you can find what Nóra and Szilvia expereienced about British Food:


During the excursion we could taste some traditional English food. Inasmuch as everybody heard the English cuisine differs from the Hungarian cuisine. To tell the truth I like Hungarian food so much but some of the English dishes fascinated me,  too. These were the cottage pie, fish and chips, ham and eggs, the different sauces and the English tea as a drink.

The cotage pie that we think to be a sweet dish in Hungary, it’s in fact a ’stew’ cottage pie also known as sheperd’s pie refers to an English meat pie with crust made from mashed potato and beef. Nowadays it is cooked with other kinds of meat like mutton, lamb or pork.

Among the English drinks, the tea won my fancy. Since then I drink the tea with milk at home, too.



I am said to be very choosy, and my mum was worried about my eating in England. Fortunately, there was no problem, I was satisfied with British food, but I didn’t dare to taste tea with milk. My schoolmates told me to try it, because it was good, but I don’t like these kinds of things. The most delicious meal was the cottage pie. It is made from mashed potato and beef or lamb. I ate English breakfast and omelette,  too. We travelled to Lincoln and had lunch at a school canteen. We could choose from 7-8 kinds of food, so the choice is bigger in England than in Hungary. We had dinner at a traditional restaurant. I have forgotten the names of those dishes, but I remember well, the soup was very broth. In London we were in the Chinatown, so we could try Chinese food. It was delicious, too.




 Szilvia is on the left, Nóra is on the right, in the middle ...





I can hear them
And they are no longer there,
Crying for a hand
That I couldn’t spare.

I can see them,
Though I will not look,
Reaching for the time
That I never took.

I can feel them
Pulling at my sleeve,
Asking me to stay
Knowing that I’d leave.

And there’s no way
That I could help them at all.
But can I even say,
When all is said and done,
That when I had a way
I stopped to help just one?

(Source: Internet)

 Let It Be Different at Last

The heart woke up earlier,
But it couldn’t bear the world
Nothing can make my situation easier
I face icebergs anywhere.

I slowly realise it’s possible
To change your land, sea or dreams…
Oh, but I can’t alter the whole world
On my own indeed.

Music and laugh are common.
There is nothing that makes us different
The colour of the flag is red
The keys are white and black.

Let’s dare anything we want
The world is ours
The slogan is PEACE, never forget;
LOVE and STRUGGLE for the others

(Dalma Négyesi, 17, with the help of her teacher,
Edit Monokné Andrási)


A World of Differences

I look over here, I look over there
I see lots of differences everywhere.
But we are not as different as we think
Just seas and oceans keep us apart.
We are people like anybody else
We all have a common sense,
A chance to discover our similarities
And bring it back if it vanishes.




 Are We Different?

Solidarity, cooperation, tolerance
Nice words, but they are worth nothing
Without actions
You can express your emotions aloud,
If your acts, however, reveal something else
Your own words will sound unreal.

You can be different from mE
Coming from another town, country or land
Your feelings can differ from mine or
Your opinion can be totally different of the same thing
Your plans may be dissimilar to mine with other
Obstacles to overcome.

Nevertheless, you breathe the same air as me
The sky is the same above your head
With the same sun shining by day
And stars smiling at you at night
When happiness is coming towards you
Your heart welcomes it with the same pleasure.

See, we are not so different or are we?
Let’s try to be open to each other and
We soon realise that the world of differences
enriches all of us.

(Edit Monokné Andrási)                                                             

So many people, so many worlds

We have come to this world without any words
Nobody has asked, yet we are here.
Born from a little egg like a flowering rose
So many people, so many wonderful worlds.

As a child we recognise ourselves looking into the mirror
Although as an adult we don’t often know what we do and why.
We try to understand the world around us
But so many people, so many wonderful worlds.

We are all different
But we are similar in one thing or another
We are all different
It’s great to sing a few common songs together.

We all long for being happy
Though we don’t know where we come and arrive
Deep in our soul the blue flower keeps the secret
So many people, so many wonderful worlds.

We are all different
But we are similar in one thing or another
We are all different
It’s great to sing a few common songs together.

We all are visitors in this world and
When we fade away who knows what we leave behind
Let’s teach our children the song of LOVE
So many people, so many wonderful worlds

We are all different
But we are similar in one thing or another
We are all different
It’s great to sing a few common songs together.

(János Bródy, a Hungarian lyrics writer
Translation by Edit Monokné Andrási)


The Hungarian version of the poem So many people, so many worlds

Mindannyian mások vagyunk

Úgy érkeztünk mindannyian, hogy nem volt szavunk
Egyikünk sem kérte, mégis mind itt vagyunk
Piciny magból kikeltünk, mint nyíló virág
Ahány ember annyiféle csodálatos világ

Kisgyermekként tükörbe nézve magunkra ismerünk
De gyakran felnőttként se tudjuk, mit miért teszünk
Megpróbáljuk megérteni a természet szavát
De ahány ember annyiféle csodálatos világ

Mindannyian mások vagyunk
Bár egyben-másban hasonlítunk
Mindannyian mások vagyunk
Még jó, hogy van néhány közös dalunk

Mindannyian vágyakozunk, hogy boldogok legyünk
De nem tudjuk, hogy honnan jöttünk, s hová érkezünk
A lelkünk mélyén őrzi titkát a kék virág
Ahány ember annyiféle csodálatos világ

Mindannyian mások vagyunk
Bár egyben-másban hasonlítunk
Mindannyian mások vagyunk
De jó, hogy van néhány közös dalunk

Ezen a földön mindannyian látogatók vagyunk
Ha elmegyünk magunk után, ki tudja, mit hagyunk
Tanítsuk meg gyermekeinknek a szeretet dalát
Ahány ember annyiféle csodálatos világ

Mindannyian mások vagyunk
Bár egyben-másban hasonlítunk
Mindannyian mások vagyunk
Jó, hogy van néhány közös dalunk